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The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers are a public statement of what constitutes teacher quality. They define the work of teachers and make explicit the elements of high-quality, effective teaching in 21st century schools that will improve educational outcomes for students. The Standards do this by providing a framework which makes clear the knowledge, practice and professional engagement required across teachers’ careers. They present a common understanding and language for discourse between teachers, teacher educators, teacher organisations, professional associations and the public.


Teacher standards also inform the development of professional learning goals, provide a framework by which teachers can judge the success of their learning and assist self-reflection and selfassessment. Teachers can use the Standards to recognise their current and developing capabilities, professional aspirations and achievements. Standards contribute to the professionalisation of teaching and raise the status of the profession. They could also be used as the basis for a professional accountability model, helping to ensure that teachers can demonstrate appropriate levels of professional knowledge, professional practice and professional engagement.


The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers are organised into four career stages and guide the preparation, support and development of teachers. The stages reflect the continuum of a teacher’s developing professional expertise from undergraduate preparation through to being an exemplary classroom practitioner and a leader in the profession. The Graduate Standards will underpin the accreditation of initial teacher education programs. Graduates from accredited programs qualify for registration in each state and territory. The Proficient Standards will be used to underpin processes for full registration as a teacher and to support the requirements of nationally consistent teacher registration. 


© 2017 by Alison Kettle. VIT Registration Number - 414912

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