Ally Kettle
How does the implementation of 21st century technology, within STEM,
enhance and elevate year 3/4 student learning?
The following research proposal looks at identifying specific areas of past research. At the conclusion of this conducted research, there will be provided key evidence that either supports the use of digital technology or shows a need for more tangible exercises in the classroom. To ensure all areas of the overarching researching question are investigated thoroughly, there are also branch questions included below that investigate the full research question appropriately. These breach questions allow the overarching question to be dissected in detail and have each area examined thoroughly. It also enables the research conductor to have an in-depth knowledge surrounding the overall research objective.
Overarching Question:
How does the implementation of 21st-century technology, within STEM specialist classes, enhance and elevate student learning?
Once the overarching question has been fully investigated, sufficient prior research will need to be collected regarding STEM education. This research should be completed and presented in the form of a literature review. According to Allchin (1991), a substantial amount of informative exploration should be always be completed before the commencement of data collection or research implementation within classrooms. The following branch questions have been designed to provide the research conductor with a developed understanding of certain complexities surrounding the STEM curriculum.
Branch Questions:
What is digital technology?
What is a digital device?
What is 21st-century technology?
What does the acronym STEM stand for?
What is a STEM specialist class?
How are STEM lessons taught without technology?
How do STEM teachers enhance student learning?
How do STEM teachers elevate student learning?
Why is digital technology popular within learning environments?
Do you all students require technology to learn within class lessons?