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Standard One: Know learners and how they learn...



1.1 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students


Proficient: Use teaching strategies based on knowledge of students’ physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics to improve student learning.



  • Understanding that all students learn using different methods - This is evident through Digital vs kinesthetic lessons.

  • Observing student responses and expanding their knowledge through STEM conversations and recorded responses.


Throughout the duration of the Graduate Degree in Primary Secondary Education I was exposed to a number of learning theories and pedagogical models. I researched Learning Styles Theory for the purpose of developing a written paper, and through this process was able to understand the three learning preferences advocated by that theory - visual, auditory and kinesthetic. My experience in STEM classrooms has allowed me to see this in action, with many younger years students preferring the kinesthetic learning style.


1.2 Understand how students learn


Proficient: Structure teaching programs using research and collegial advice about how students learn.



  • Code of cooperation program with students at the start of 2017 (photo)

  • Feedback from mentor during initial research reagrding 


1.3 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds


Proficient: Design and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to the learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds.



  • Integrating cultural practices through STEM lessons using the Australian Curriculum Indigenous links 

  • Creating culturally sensitive lessons that incorporate Mandarin language occasionally

  • Using diagrams, videos and visual representations for those ESL students


1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students


Proficient: Design and implement effective teaching strategies that are responsive to the local community and cultural setting, linguistic background and histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.



  • Biological Science incorporated the teaching of native Australian language used for different plants

  • Incorporating videos and Elder stories and student stories about bush tucker in biological science lessons


1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities


Proficient: Develop teaching activities that incorporate differentiated strategies to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.



  • Providing opportunities for students to collaborate share works with one another - "Think, Pair, Share"

  • Attendance at the 2017 STEAM conference at Kingswood Primary School


1.6 Strategies to support full participation of students with a disability


Proficient: Design and implement teaching activities that support the participation and learning of students with disability and address relevant policy and legislative requirements.



  • Provide noise-o-meter charts for those students who need visual reminders

  • Have the schools' 3 S charts hung in the STEM room for those students with behaviour disorders

  • Write steps on the whiteboard for simple visual guidance for hearing impaired students



© 2017 by Alison Kettle. VIT Registration Number - 414912

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